One-on-One Counseling

At Nutrition Works, we understand how challenging it is to achieve and maintain a healthy weight in today’s food environment.

One-on-One Counseling
Are you looking for an individualized nutrition care plan or private advice about a weight-related medical condition? If so, we’d suggest you make an appointment for one-on-one counseling. During your initial visit, we will discuss past weight loss attempts (what worked, what didn’t), current lifestyle considerations, food preferences and exercise habits. From the information gathered, we work together to develop a plan tailored to meet your individual needs and to promote long term success. If you have a weight-related medical problem such as high blood pressure, GERD, pre-diabetes, diabetes, or high cholesterol, your insurance may cover one-on-one nutrition counseling. To make an appointment for an individual visit, contact us at 207-772-6279 or call your health care provider for a referral. Whether you prefer one-on-one counseling or a group approach, we can help you turn your good intentions into permanent lifestyle change.